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Camel 駱駝牌 CUPPA Travel Thermal Cup 便攜保溫杯 CUPPA28 DB 280ml (Deep Sea Blue 深海藍) [Double Glass Wall Vacuum Thermal Cup 雙層玻璃真空暖水壺]
Camel 駱駝牌

Camel 駱駝牌 CUPPA Travel Thermal Cup 便攜保溫杯 CUPPA28 DB 280ml (Deep Sea Blue 深海藍) [Double Glass Wall Vacuum Thermal Cup 雙層玻璃真空暖水壺]

定價 $179.00 售價 $255.00 單價
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$450 or Over 滿$450Camel Tote Bag 駱駝環保袋

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Available while stocks last.

Camel CUPPA Travel Thermal Cup CUPPA28 DB 280ml (Deep Sea Blue) [Double Glass Wall Vacuum Thermal Cup]
Model: CUPPA 28 DB

Capacity: 280ml
Color: Deep Sea Blue
Design of Hong Kong | Made in Hong Kong

駱駝牌 便攜保溫杯 CUPPA28 DB 280ml (深海藍) [雙層玻璃真空暖水壺]
型號:CUPPA 28 DB
顏色: 深海藍
香港設計 | 香港製造

Buy 2+ items: $50 off 1200; $100 off 1800; $200 off 2400
購買兩件或以上: $1200減50; $1800減100; $2400減200